Finding Empowerment During a "Gray Divorce" with Linda Hershman

Regina McCann Hess, CFP®, CDFA® |

Divorcing later in life comes with its own set of unique challenges. So today, we're joined by licensed marriage and family therapist, Linda Hershman, who will shed light on common mistakes people make when going through a "gray divorce" (meaning a divorce that happens over the age of 50) and how to avoid making them. With over 30 years in practice, she offers valuable insight that you won't want to miss.

Listen in as Linda explains why gray divorces are happening more often than before, as well as what you need to know if you find yourself in this situation. You'll learn the key areas that should be getting attention, major fears people have when going through a divorce later in life, and how to make the best decisions in during this difficult experience.


Listen To The Episode Here:

What You’ll Learn:

  • What gray divorce is and the statistics involved.
  • The biggest reason behind these divorces.
  • Changes over the decades that have influenced the divorce rate.
  • Common fears tied to divorce.
  • The different impact divorce tends to have on underserved populations.
  • The painful impact on adult children when their parents divorce.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

  • “For women, there’s a big fear of ‘Who will take care of me? Am I going to end up alone?’ For older men, the fear is, ‘What will happen to my relationship with my grown children?’” - Linda Hershman
  • “It may be easier for younger women to rejoin the workforce, but when you’re an older woman, almost nobody is looking for you.” - Linda Hershman
  • “I always remind my older adult divorcing parents that, even though they may look like middle-aged people, they’re still your children. They’re not your girlfriend.” - Linda Hershman


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