The Power of Financial Planning

Regina McCann Hess |

The thought of financial planning often makes people tune out or makes their eyes glaze over, but having a financial plan is important for everyone! So today, I want to talk about the power of financial planning and the crucial role it plays in not only your finances, but also your life goals and dreams. Listen in to hear the basics of what financial planning can do for you and some simple ways to begin if you haven’t started planning yet.

Many people think that a financial plan is mainly a retirement plan, and while that is definitely an important part of it, there is so much more to it. I’ll share what parts of your planning directly—or indirectly—affect your retirement, as well as the areas of your life that can be positively affected in the near future as well. You will hear real-life examples of common mistakes that you can avoid by setting up a plan early on, why you should be planning for certain major expenses now, and more.

Listen To The Episode Here:

What You’ll Learn:

  • What financial planning is and how it helps you reach your goals.
  • What kinds of things are included in your financial plan.
  • The role of retirement in your financial planning.
  • What to expect when starting to create a financial plan—and what to include.
  • The biggest expenses to think about and why you should be planning for them now.
  • Common (avoidable) mistakes people make and how you can avoid them with good planning.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

  • "Is having a financial plan perfect? No. But is it better than not doing anything at all? Heck yeah!" - Regina McCann Hess
  • "A financial plan is going to help you avoid some of the potholes and things you may not realize may happen along your journey. It’s really to help guide you through important life transitions and things that happen along the way." - Regina McCann Hess
  • "Even if you don’t do long-term care insurance, you should have a long-term care strategy." - Regina McCann Hess


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